
Berlin & Germany
Berlin unter den Allierten (1945-1949) – Berlin under the Allies (1.30:18)
Germany after the War (7:46)
Germany Today: Post-World War Reconstruction 1947 (16:22)
Hotel Adlon Berlin 1907-1945 (3:48)

Berlin 1920s
Berlin, Symphony of a great city Walter Ruttman 1927
A day in spectacular Berlin in the early 1930s in color

Berlin 1947
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Destination 2014: Berlin (5 episodes)
Episode 1 Birth of a Capital (13:41)
Episode 2 etc.


1945-Now: Enduring Legacy of the Nazis

1945-Flight and Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia: As the German Wehrmacht drove in to surrender, was disarmed and their soldiers taken prisoners of war in May 1945, also ethnic German civilians (Sudetendeutsche) had to flee from Czechoslovakia. The expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II was part of a series of evacuations and deportations of Germans from Central and Eastern Europe. In the months following the end of the war, “wild” expulsions happened from May until August 1945. Roughly 1.6 million ethnic Germans were deported to the American zone (West Germany), and an estimated 800,000 were deported to the Soviet zone (East Germany). The expulsions ended in 1948, but not all Germans were expelled. The West German government in 1958 estimated the ethnic German death toll during the expulsion period to be about 270,000, a figure that has been cited in historical literature since then.